I used to read reader digest occasionally. But one day I was searching some thing on internet and I entered into site and came to know more about the magazine , , and its features.
I subscribed for the magazine online and very soon I got my first copy of reader digest.I am a big fan of reader digest. My favorite column is jokes, quotations, I like real life stories, and also it throws light on life of famous personality. Its health column is very good. Its challenge part is really good. The most favorite part is its word power, , its amazing.
I used to play word power game which is available online on its website. You just have to login into word power game, it is bounded by time and helps to improve vocabulary. The magazine available online too, but its easy to read its hard copy. It has al positives except one ie. sweepstakes.I am reading rd regularly from 3 years. I had its subscription for 2 years. The I started reading it in library.Its like a trap..be careful before replying it.