First of all it is a mystery why they offer Sweepstskes. I believe their products though good, are extremely costly, 3/4 times the actual sale value, and that they make huge profits, what with a huge base of customers throughout India. Perhaps these sweepstakes are means to amass black money by different routes. Only proper investigation by Government Income Tax Department and by officers of the Revenue Department can one go to the root of this big fraud on the Indian people.
They do announce the names of winners each year. Is it possible that these winners are friends/relatives close to them, or Readers Digest may part with some money and grab the rest for themselves with the cooperation of these (doubtful) winners. The government should check on these winners, see their bank accounts etc. There are States in India who have banned operating of lotteries in these States. Sweepstakes is also gambling. If so, Readers Digest have no right to propagate Sweepstakes in these States. Why is the government in these states keeping quiet?