Readers Digest and I have been friends for a long time. I remember it in my parents home as I was growing up and I have had a subscription to it for more years than I care to remember.
Readers Digest headquarters is located (FOR REAL !) in Pleasantville, N.Y. An apt name for a most pleasant publication. Im not exactly sure when it was founded only that it was founded by DeWitt Wallace and Lila Wallace, many years ago. Right now the executive editors are Marcia Rockwood and William Shultz.
It is printed in 19 different languages and the monthly circulation is over 25 million copies. Not including large print editions, braille and audio cassette versions.
Each month readers Digest publishes a variety of different types of stories(for lack of a better word). They range from short, one page helpful hint stories to condensed versions of actual books. They have two or three feature stories each month contributed by readers like you and I. They have current event stories, advice articles and then they offer departments. Departments include amusing and unusual jokes, short quips, short stories and cartoons, also submitted by everyday people like us. They have an area of What ever happened to.. where they pull a name out of the past and refresh you with what that person is up to now. There is also room for stories about everyday heroes, ordinary people who do extra-ordinary things. A favorite area of mine is It pays to enrich your word power It is a monthly test where they give you 20 words and you have to match the correct meaning to each word. I used this with my daughter when she was growing up!
There is some advertising (naturally), but not enough to annoy you.
Overall I do believe Readers Digest would be an enlightening and entertaining magazine for anyone.
There is also a web site where you can read a lot of other interesting material(