Ever since the time I came to know about mouthshut, I enjoy reading the reviews, more tha seeing a film or reading a novel. Daily I make it a point to go through the review posted on the day. I know that reading newspapers daily give you a deep knowledge and you can even be prepared to write an IAS exam.
But I feel that reading reviews in mouthshut is equally important as there is no other method to get a encyclopaedia on cheating institutions or persons. As far as mouthshut is there, anyone will think twice about cheating others. I really appreciate Mr. Faisals brilliant brain behind this. Otherwise how many of us would have succumbed to cheating unknowingly?
The site is really transparent in all its dealings and I have seen that they always keep their promises including the contests and various comments posted are mostly genuine. I urge the administrator to keep going and save all of us maximum possible from all kinds of cheating and protecting our hard earned money. Hats off to mouthshut!