Perhaps the direction told me to turn left or it was my instinct to turn left on the signal, Well sooner the mind finally decided that it was actually a pre concieved notion or a fact that Indian Traffic is Left Sided one, It was perhaps my instinct that told me to push the door where instead I got unmoved since it was Pull clearly noted out on that door.
What do I intend to convey from the above thought, Well somethings that surely will comeout after this review gets ended, RRC, we all know what is that and R i.e. reading reviews is what we are talking about in here. So how do we approach or initialize our mind that we have to read a particular review.
The Fact remains there are factors that make us to initialize the procedure of knowledge intake, Why do I call it knowledge intake, Reading no matter you reading a classified or a literary epic you are stand to gain and loose nothing out of it, A telegram teaches you precision of words, a letter shows you the nature of being descriptive, So the point I am trying to make is Reading helps!
On MS there is a anomaly, whatever I have come across so far there are factors that take over a readers mind, the WANT of the product, the Curiosity of a Know How, The Thought flow of a particular liked writer, A mind to read for the sake of reading and gain and read for the sake of accidental clicking for just ending up with more ratings with your name. MS has it all, So we have to put them in one roof of Readers.
What kind of Reader are You?
Thats the Question that lingers on my mind when I approach this review, For me Its the 2 strong factors of the Want and Sake of Knowledge that make my reading reviews on Mouthshut, So as a Basic Fact rises that to be a reader you need to have a mind for reading, See its simple, To Laugh one needs to have the mind to laugh otherwise will you laugh on a joke on a funeral of your near and dear one, The mindset isnt there, The point I want to make here is As a reader just make a frame of mind and hence you will endup reading the article and also taking some notes or the other from it.
The thing is, A Critic will have a mindset of a Critic, A Jolly person will smile reading it, A neutral person will make a mindset of pros and cons analysis from your article, THEY all are readers my dear friends, But a non reader is the one who has no mindset, Such a reader forgets the review the moment the window gets closed.
So where do we take this discussion.
Read a Product review with a mindset of want
That will make you decide about the product and hence the justice with the review.
Read an Advice with a mindset of Yes or No
See we listen to our parents but do we abide by all the things they say, We listen to them because the first mindset is respect and hence Advices should be taken up to be followed or to be followed and not be just read.
That brings me to a new perspective read with showing a mindset of Respect to the writer, always presume that writer has put in efforts and wants me convinced, Once you have a mindset with an attitude of respect, thats when you are reading reviews.
Matter of the fact remains, I cannot Read everything, hence I propose that Read what interests you, sooner or later the writer if is convincing will impress you and so will your mind will broaden, now you are reading for Interest as well as Writer, See this is how the Reading entices Reading. It sounds tough but its simple.
Interest with Mindset brings in more and concentrated Reading.
Now, some people will ask about Reading something utter trash, My answer is, you applied yourself but it didnt match up to your criteria, so move on read another. This way Reading brings in more and more patient reads.
So finally, if you remember the start, I turned left because I knew that Traffic in India is Left Sided, I Pushed something unknowingly when it was supposed to be pulled.
Hence Your interest will only develop when you read something new and unknown to you and skip something that is a well known fact, Something on MS that happens when we read a 1st review on a movie and then the 100th.
Thank you for reading, You can comment.