Well well, so then my previous review did get the attention of many and some did agree with me as well but ironically the review was written ON and FOR @M_S OFFICIAL but as I expected my review was blindly ignored by them.So I had a voice in my head which wanted my fingers to type and speak out, hence here I am
Now then, theres an observation that I have come across with and its a bit humorous.I have read reviews on "DABUR LAAL DANTH MANJAN", "PARASHOOT OIL" "TIGER BALM" "Patanjali Herbal Hand Wash" and many more and the funniest part is the way the reviews were written.
Now no offense I dont mean to question anyones way to writing neither am I William Shakespeare that ill be correcting someones grammar but my point is those reviews were approved my reviews on Catholic bibalic books, novels, gadgets, restaurants & cafe, cosmetics all denied.