Real fruit juice made by Dabour is 100% made from natural fruits It is with vital nutrients It comes in 14 different flavors like guava, lichi, pineapple, orange, apricot, mixed fruit and many more It doesnt have artificial flavors.
And presetvatives so not harmful to health instead if you drink ginger and mint regulates blood flow inside your body and maintains cholestral leval of body If you are suffering from high blood pressure problem then take Mango fruit drink to maintain your energy level and overall health condition It is packed with notable amount of vitamin.
\One should consume mango fruit drink everyday to supply sufficient amount of iron to body Diabetes patients cannot consume sugar drinks in much quantity but real juice have designed in a way to maintain their sugar level For healing diarrhea Bar berry drinks immediately recovers water loss If we are busy real fruit juice is the solution to that problem Just pour it glass and get refreshed There is no othet brand which has more thickness and tastiness as compare to real so their quality and packing is very good Just taste it drink this antioxident fruit juice and get active