This is the day we Americans were caught unaware. Innocents became a victim for being in their places at a wrong time. Men, women and children severely injured or dead. Those who survived , the impact still stays. Terror raised its ugly mask and for several years to come, 9 11 01 will remain implanted as gloomiest part of memory.
Where does it all begin ?. Was it the US president responsible in one way or the another. At least that is what the major part of the world seem to think . Was it Saddam or was it Osama?. I dont know for sure?. The truth is I dont care. When you have lost your friends and family to this gruel incident, I am left in total disbelief that this ever happened. I wished many a time that all this was a nightmare. The plainness of the situation is those innocents are gone and they arent coming back.
This incident brought many things into the reality checks. Was Osama behind this ?. Yes and no. Yes because he is capable doing such things. No because there is no evidence. But then who is to be blamed ?. Who is responsible for those who lost their beloved ?. The rubbled WTC is now a witness to a hidden monster responsible for all this.
Some singers have dedicated a song, Americans all over the nation lit candles and distributed flags. How is it going to help ?. It makes me remember those faces who are gone.
I must say that in this short life, we are busy making plans for tomorrow. Millions die everyday all around the world, in accidents , old age , sickness or terrorism. We dont know about them do we ?. We probably feel sad for them and the next day its business as usual. So in one day there are 4000 victims ( more or less). How does it affect us. Sickness can be treated, accidents can be treated. But does 9 11 give any indication that Terrorism could be dealt with. Does this say that they ( the terrorists) can do what ever they want? Pick on any population they fancy. What does it tell you ?
How sure are you returning home safe to your family. Is your life or how you live it, is in the mere dictates of the terrorist ?. We talk so much about peace, when is this ever going to be a reality. In conclusion I pray to the Lord that peace prevails every where, Be it in the middle east, India , Or Palestine / Israel. I hope many of my peers in feel the same way too.