Recruitment Fairs can be wonderful tools, if used properly.
At a recruitment fair you are able to look around at many different jobs, ask questions about many different fields and generally check it all out.
Most recruiters at these fairs are looking for warm bodies so they can make a commission, but dont be misled.
Check out areas that you have a true interest in. You really dont want to be paying for schooling or classes of any kind pertaining to dental hygiene when youre really interested in becoming an X-ray technician. Do you?
There are many major companies that set up shop at these fairs and offer free training in the field you like, in return for signing a contract to work at this particular company for X number of years. This is something to take advantage of if you are truly committed to that particular line of work.
Recruitment Fairs also offer you the chance to check out many, many, different types of jobs, if youre not quite sure what you will like doing. They have experts in those fields sitting there waiting to answer all questions you have for them.
There are also many companies and corporations that offer basically the same career opportunities, so you really have to ask a lot of questions.
If company X offers free training in return for a 3 year contract, and company Y offers free training in return for a 3 year contract, its now your turn to ask questions about advancement and benefits and continued education and training. Asking about salary right off the bat is a no-no. Never choose a career based on salary alone, or youll grow to resent the job if youre not making the top dollar right away.
Dont jump into anything. Think carefully, make sure you will be happy in the career you choose. And dont forget to ask all the questions you can think of, before making a major commitment.