Read two reviews on Mouthshut yestereday evening and decided to watch this movie. By the reviews this movie sounded good. But after watching the movie, I feel Mr. Vikram Bhatt(the producer of RED) is either paying money to some people to write the reviews or he himself is writing the review. In total, the movie was aC grade, 3rd class movie. The story line was pathetic, the suspense was amazingly POOR, dialogues were bad,
and finally Acting, it was%$#@&@%#^&.
I wasted 2 hours and Rs. 340 and I am seriously thinking to sue Mr. Bhatt.
They said this movie also had some real bold stuff and it was an adult movie as per Censor board. But guys, except a few Kissing scenes(they were more vulgar then erotic in any sense) there was nothing that could be called adult.
Anyway, my advice, DO NOT WASTE ur time and money in watching this movie.