I saw the trailer of this one and thought- wow! looks like a horror movie... Well, from Wes Craven, what else do you expect? So Red eye was the movie I voted for this weekend... But as far as horror was concerned, it simply let me down. There wasnt any horror at all.
Lisa Reiset(Rachel McAdams) is an employee in a huge hotel in Miami. She plans to return to work in Miami after her maternal grandmas funeral. She runs into a well mannered gentleman, Jackson (Cillian Murphy- Batman Begins) at the Airport. Finally they end up in adjacent seats, and the plane takes off, when Jackson just shifts roles from Mr Nice guy to Mr Terrorist. He has Lisas dad back in Miami covered by a hitman, and asks her to make a call to her hotel. His demand seems odd, just to shift the Depty Secretary of Homeland Security Keeve, and family to another room, from his routine hotel room. If she doesnt make the call, her dad dies.
Lisa tries every possible ways to outwit Jack, but he seems to get the better of her in every ways. Finally she is bullied, tortured and goaded into getting her to make the call...Once she makes the call, Jack agrees to let her and her dad go once Keeve and his family are eliminated, and Lisa is shocked.
How does Lisa get out of Jacks grip in the flight, and will she be able to save Keeve his wife and kids, and her dad? And what is the Red eye???? Watch the movie...
The first three quarters of the movie is in the flight, and the last fifteen minutes is inside a house. So to keep people in their seats, the script needed to be witty and gripping, and it does turn out to be.
Rachel McAdams and Cillian Murphy have done very well, it is just the two of them all throughout. Lisa represents the resilient modern day girl, resourceful and brave in the face of trouble. Yeah, I am in love with her now...
Over all, it is a beautiful, short and sweet thriller, guaranteeing that you are at the edge of your seat from minute 15 to minute 85... Dont miss the life -size characters and Rachel McAdams!!!