Ive been using Redbus services for last 2 years. Its good till you dont have a technical error in transaction. However, once you have a technical error (the probability is 6 out of 10 transactions, from my experience). Also, their Inventory details are not real time, is the main cause for technical error. Theyll show seats available, deduce your money, and then cant book. And worst o all, they have the #worst #customer #support #worstcustomersupport
Today (March 15th 2013) I tried to book a ticket worth 1350 (-50 rs off = 1300). I tried twice with a failed transaction (however, successful payments, they are good at ensuring that. Whether the transaction is complete or not, they will make sure to rip you off). the ticket was for 22nd march, and there were only few seats left.
Now they have my 2600 Rs/- with them, and I still dont have a ticket. I called their customer service (Now here the story starts, worst customer experience ever).
One Mr. Suresh answered the call, at round 7:20 p.m, he said they will take 7 working days to credit back my money, however, to ensure my travel, they will book the ticket on my behalf, from their end using the money they debited. Fair enough. wited for 15 mins, he gets back to me saying the golden word "TECHNICAL ISSUE"
Then his promis was hell resolve, book and confirm me in 20 mins.
30 mins passed, 1 hr, 1:15, 1:30, after and hour and 30 mins, I called back. Now this suresh guy again takes the call, again gve me the same gyan, tried to book for nother 15 mins, nd said sorry, cant help you. I asked to escalate, and here comes another HERO, Mr. Nareesh the TL
This guys tone itself was arrogant. He said, you used an offer code for 50 rs, so we got only 1300, nd the ticket cost is 1350, so we cant book. The hell, he have my 2600 rs and he is bargaining for 50 rs?!!
I asked him, so is there any way I can credit you 50 rs more. Nareesh: "NO"
Me: "Can you take 50 on my behalf, as the fault is from your end" Naresh: "Against policy"
Me: "Can you arrange a COD and get me the Refund early so that Ill be ble to pay them"
Naresh: "THe refund would take 7 days" Me: "Cant we make it early"
Naresh: "THe refund would take 7 days"
Me: "Okay, so tell me, you have my 2600 rs, I have no ticket, I have to necessarily travel. What is the solution."
Naresh" Sory I cant Help You"
Well then my question is, why the hell are you sitting there as a TL for customer support if this is the answer you have. A$$hole!!