Have you ever tried bidding at the aution at Rediff.com??? With all the gimmic ads on mobiles for Rs.1 and all I am sure some of us have been tempted to go and try out our skills and luck! Well, I have been tracking two items for the last day or so and stayed up till 2 AM for the bidding. At the end time of the bidding I was declared as winning and highest bidder, which means that no one else had bid higher than me at end of the bidding. When I started the bidding the Reserve Price was stated as No. Later the seller changed that to Yes and did not even mention, for the information of the bidders, the reserved price. From this I figured that the mobiles at Rs.1 is simpily a way to fool people into using the site. The sellers have no intention of letting go of their products as a normal course of any bidding unless the actual market or their profit price is met. So now I ask, and so should all people wanting to try out this bidding service: (1) What is the point of putting an item to bidding form Rs. 1 if there is already a set price? (2) Why is this set price not mentioned? (3) How can prices be randomly changed from having no reserved price to having a reserved price. (4) And lastly, if a bidder has to buy a product if he/she wins and can not cancel the product, then why should a seller be given the freedom to change product information at random and mislead consumers by misinformting them? I feel it a total cheat and waste of time for anybody to use this Rediff service. I wrote to rediff regarding this and they have yet to give me a reply. Judge for your self and dont be fooled.