Hello friends,
I have been a user of rediffmail for almost 3 years now.I remember the first day when I went to a cyber cafe with lot of excitement and bit afraid (as I was a novice to internet at that time).I was excited to learn how to send an email and afraid as I had no idea how to set up an email account.So I ventured into the cybercafe and told the attendant to help me set up an email account.He, without even thinking for a second , told me that rediff is the best. It is ligtning fast.I got his message and I set up the email account on my own.It was so easy to set up. After that I felt no need to have any other email account as rediff was fast, reliable and with adequate capacity.
However since last one year I have noticed that rediff has not been able to maintain the same quality of services. Previously I used to get daily 1 to 2 spam messages. This figure has been on an increase and of late has escalated to 30 to 40 spam messages daily. I have tried all the known methods such as blocking of messages and setting the filters. But the spam keeps flowing in from spurious email ids.
Typically size of one email is around 4 to 8 kb.And mostly it speaks about nonsense medication therapies, debt reduction, finance. And all email is related to US and other sites. It is not that I am the lone sufferer.
Many of my friends are encountering this problem with rediff and are now opting for yahoo or other better email options. I tried to contact rediff guys by sending a mail to the help desk.I explained to them , in detail my problem and sought their urgent help. Their was no response to this query from the help desk for a yawning 7 days.After that I got a standard response from the server saying that your mail has been received and you will get a response shortly or alternatively our representative will get in touch with you.
To my utter dismay, I got a mail from the rediff stating the procedure for setting filters and how to block mails. Now this was not what I had enquired for. This is something I had already tried but was not successful. And this is what I wrote to them again. But again the same thing repeated. And this Procedure has repeated number of times.
Now I have totally given up on rediff. As spams continue to pour in each day. Now I have set up a new email account at yahoo and I am well satisfied with its performance, as of now.