Rediffmail Pro service is ok and not upto a truly world class.
I have been using the service for almost an year and I find it not worthy for the amount we pay per year.
Firstly, It has only 1 mailserver on single IP address... They can arrange for another server at different service providers to make high uptime. If the sever is down, the service will be disrupted...
Spam blocking is worst!!!!
Sometimes, if the internet connection is somewhat slow, the page stops in the middle and shows nonsense HTML tags in the browser (webmail)..
Customer Support is getting worse day by day !!!
The server becomes very slow in the peak times and they are not increasing the bandwidth in par with the increase in customers...
The options are mainly administrator oriented rather than customer oriented (such as no of mails per page...)
Multiple years registration/renew option is not there...So we have to renew every year...
The SMS feature is nice and should be appreciated...