Hi Everyone!! I have 72 email IDs for my company from India times(I am not saying that they are good, just that we have it from them, they have their own problems). I thought of spreading my risk, so thought of buying some from Rediffmail. I did an online purchase of 5 IDs. I waited for a response from them for a good no. of days then thought of calling them. What they told me shocked me. They said that either u shift all your IDs to Rediff from Indiatimes or u cannot use these email IDs. I told them to return my money since there is no such mention during precurement of additional ids on the web and I will not be able to use them any ways. They replied, sorry, no money back once the product is purchased.
Sorry guys, sheer anger, and desperation, but nothing doing. Lost all my money, a big NO NO for Rediffmail.