Last June I bought INR 5000 worth Reebok shoes from Gurgaons Ambience mall showroom. Having faith in RBK as the leading brand, in its design and manufacturing ability, I had unfortunately not retained the sale receipt believing that my shoe will last for at least a couple of years! But that is not what had to happen. Within two months, the net at the junction where the toe folds starts to tear in both the right and left shoes! By then I had relocated out of GGN to BLR and took my shoes to RBK stores here which advised that nothing much can be done as there was no receipt.
I dropped a mail to RBK customer service describing my predicament, with snapshots of my damaged shoes. The team asked me to drop the shoes at the nearest store with the receipt. They would take my shoes, their team will review the shoe as to ascertain whether the damage was done by me or is a design default and then they would take the required action i.e. repair, replace or send back the shoes to me. But all this would require a receipt.
Frustrated with this customer service, I switched back to New Balance shoes! And would never go for RBK for me or my family.