I recently bought a Reebok Shoe from a Reebok Store in East Delhi Mall(EDM). I bought it during flat 40 per cent sale. I like these flat sales, than those upto 50% sales, where most of the items are a 10%, only 1-2 at 50% if any. Anyways, the Reebok shoe unfortunately had problems. Its upper skin got peeled off in a month. I went back to the store, apprehending that they might not respond as the item was purchased in Sale. However, not only they politely accepted shoe for checking and gave me a receipt, but assured of best possible solution. The guys told me within 2-3 weeks, I will get either of the three responses-one, shoe being repaired and sent back, two, rejection of request, three, shoe being replaced with a new item.
Within 4 days, I received a call from the store that you can come and buy any other item of the same value. Wow, wasnt it wonderful. I loved the unexpected surprize. After being harassed by companies like ICICI Bank, Nokia, Tata Indicom, Reliance Telecom(I will share these experiences here one by one, if not done already), this was a change for good. Only time I was delighted like this was by the after sales service of Philips.
So, guys, I would recommend, go out and buy Reebok Shoes, as they give you genuine guarantee of their product. I am not sure about other Reebok products, as I have not tried out yet. Waiting for the next sale, maybe.