Amazing, thats the word that comes in my mind when I see Reebok. They are just the right pair of shoes any one would wish to have.
I had bought my pair of Reebok was about 3 yr. back believe me they are still going on without any problem, ya the shoes doesnt has the same look that it had when I had bought it.
I used this shoe very carefully in the beginning as this was my first imported shoe and that to it was very expensive, so it was very precious for me. But later I used them as roughly I could I played football with them use to play cricket and they were better than many cricket shoes for batsman that I had used because the grip just superb.
I used them in rainy season and used them all the places I could.
My Reebok weighed like feather so they were never a burden for my foot.
You all might be thinking that I am a marketing guy for Reebok but frankly speaking the above said are my true and genuine experience.
Go buddies what are you waiting for get your pair of Reebok now itself.