Ive been reading other reviews on Reebok on Mouthshut, and what I noticed is that people are satisfied only when they bought the product in US or UK. Very few of the reviews of Reebok shoes in India are positive.
My review is going to be quite the same as the other Indian ones.
Not having worn a pair of Reeboks (or Nikes/Adidas etc) since my college days I decided to spend a couple of thousand Rupees on a nice new pair of Internationally branded shoes. I found Nike to be prohibitively expensive and very gaudy looking. I found Adidas to be very plain looking and expensive.
I went to Reebok and after trying most of their pairs out decided to go with this White and Gray running pair for Rs. 2690/-.
I was not too happy with the price-quality ratio from the moment I bought them. I thought they were a bit on the heavy side, not soft enough on the inside, did not give as much cushioning as I would have liked and the color scheme was too white.
However there was nothing else in the shop that I thought was decent so I bought these. Besides, I decided to buy branded shoes and I wasnt about to change my mind. Lets give them a chance.
These shoes were not too bad initially. I could run quite nicely in them and they looked pretty acceptable too.
However three months down the line, I have found a few problems with them:
They get very dirty with normal usage. Their pristine white color lasts only for the first week.
They are conducive to foot odor. My toes positively stink when I remove them at the EOD.
The jazzy little markings and designs on the shoe get scraped off and come out. Im talking about the little oval plastic piece with the reebok logo on the tongue of the shoe and the white reflector things on the back of the shoe near the heel.
Durability is suspect. Today I was walking and half tripped on a stone of some sort. I look at the shoe and find that the gauze thing near the toe has torn pretty badly and the shoe looks like its several years old.
The laces come out whenever I jog in the first 5 minutes no matter how hard I tie the laces.
Bottom line is this: I was happy with my cheap Rs. 700 Indian/local/desi/whatever Nike running shoes (the plain black ones). Those lasted me a year and a half. My Tuffs shoes earlier lasted me a year too -- with jogging and all.
Its only been -- what two, three months with this relatively expensive pair and it isnt holding up!
My advice is not to waste your dough on these shoes except as a fashion statement. As far as performance and value for money is concerned, these are a no-no.