Never ever visit the Reebok bannerghatta road showroom in Bangalore. If you park your car there it is bound to be punctured and would have scratches on it. I think the in store staff is equally bad as the guard outside and with it goes the brand reputation down the drain.If you try to ask the guard how it happened, he would plainly deny. And no I dont think it is a one off incident. I guess they are this irresponsible. Reebok can kiss its business in India good buy if the fate of this brand is with such irresponsible staff.
Today evening I went to the showroom with a few friends and before we entered the shop, we went to the next complex to have some food. When we returned, I noticed the air in one of the tires was suddenly gone. As I looked at I closely, I could see a nail (most likely hammered) into the tyre. I tried asking the guard, he said the parking is only for Reebok customers !WTF, what kinda reply is that.
To add to my surprise, the staff (which is anyways idle) came out and fighting over the parking space ! Later when I came back home I noticed the scratches on the from gate of the car (which are hard for me to miss as I got the car serviced 2 days back).