I have been gaining a few kilos since the day I got married and hence I decided to jog. But, to jog I needed a good pair of shoes.
It was off season sale season and I wanted to grab a pair when the prices are low. First I checked out the adidas.. rejected because of its monotounous design. Every shoe looks the same. Then visited the rbk showroom which dislpayed 40% off sale. Checked out some, tried quite a few in fact.
The salesboy was good at understanding my reqmt. and showed me the ones of my taste. Finally I decided to buy a permier running shoe with DMX ride technology. I liked it the min. I wore it. It had some extra cushioning, netted for cooling your feet apart from the cool looking design.
The MRP was 5999 got it for 3600 after discount. I have been using it for almost a month now for jogging everyday. It feels so comfortable. Thought the price seems to be high I think I got the best shoes.