“i am what I am” that’s the slogan of Reebok but I’d like to rephrase it to “i am (not) what I am”. Surprised! Well; most of you will be as when I started writing this review; 67% of the Mouthshut members has recommended Reebok as one of their favorite sports brand & why it should not be ….. Rahul Dravid wears it in the commercials!!!
C’mon is that the reason one should buy a Reebok shoe? My answer is “NO” as most of you’ll agree that any Reebok shoe is priced at least twice-thrice of the equally good Indian branded shoes.
Now you’ll start thinking why the hell this guy is so negative about the Reebok brand … so here comes the real story behind it …
I’s using a woodland which has a impressive product quality but after using that shoes for near to 2 years I though that the shoes has already reached it’s EOL (end of life) so thought of going for a new pair of shoes & this time for a sport shoes! I’s planning to buy Nike but one of my friend suggested to go for Reebok & hence finally I entered the company outlet of Reebok in Bangalore & purchased a pair from the range “Running”. The looks of the pair was good which is true with any of the Reebok pair but after using it for a month & half, to my surprise, the sole started coming out & it’s almost got separated from the shoe within 3 months! No No; don’t think that I am a courier boy who walks door to door or a full time trekker who uses his/ her shoes very roughly. My usage is normal as I work most of the time seating than walking/ standing.
I’s totally disappointed to understand how Reebok is selling so cheap quality product to their customers & charging them high only because …. Rahul Dravid wears it in the commercials!!!
Well it doesn’t look good to take the shoes to the showroom & asking them to get it fixed so I sent a mail & posted a letter to their customer care division (address as posted on the website). I’s not expecting that Reebok will replace the pair but I’s expecting that I’d get some response (e-mail/ letter) to make sure that Reebok is serious about their customer & it’s listening to them.
Well … It’s almost more than a year & I am yet to get the response ….