They say the best things in life come in small packages. Reflections for living life fully – Brock Tully is definitely one such package. It is such a wonderful book that packs so much of wisdom into it that one wonders if it is under-priced.
The book starts with the introduction
“.. to me, life is simple, we’ve made it complicated, & the challenge is to get back in touch with its simplicity.”
Tully succeeds fairly in getting us understand and appreciate the simplicity of the truth called ‘life.’
“…when we’re children, we’ve limitless imaginations… when we grow up, we are often limited by our image.”
“…I want you to be happy to see me … but, I don’t want you to need to see me for your happiness.”
The book is packed with simple statements like these that make you sit up and take notice, and ponder “hey.. how true?!.” Tully chooses his words with surgical precision and delivers them with poetic expression. Some reflections actually offer powerful paradigm shifts like
“… when we’re sensitive, we can believe we’re not strong or we can feel strong by believing in our sensitivity.”
My personal favorite is however…
“…the beautiful thing about making a mistake is that it is no longer a mistake if we learn from it.”
Notice how the negativity of a “mistake” is tackled beforehand with an immensely positive “beautiful thing.” You would actually look forward to making mistakes, wont you? ;-)
Cute illustrations by Heidi Thompson don’t just enhance the reader’s delight but also add to the depth of the reflections. Rightly labeled under the “Golden Gift Collection”, it is a perfect gift to anyone who appreciates simplicity and values quality.