I am from Chennai and have been using Regen Hair Vitalizer regularly. It has benefited me in several ways - by stopping my hair fall, controlling dandruff and has also helped in making my hair thicker. When I brought it for the first time I was not expecting much considering the amount of products I have used on my hair without any results at all. But Regen really surprised me pleasantly. The results were much better and quicker than what I was expecting and I was extremely happy.
My hair seemed better quality, texture just in a matter of a week. Also there was no hair-fall since I started using this.Apart from the very good results, I am also very happy that this is a non-greasy product so it is very convenient and I dont have the hassle to shampoo my hair each time after applying this. It is available in 2 sizes, 250ml and 100ml. I prefer the bigger size, 250ml for Rs. 750, and that lasts me for a month or so.
I was always jealous of girls with long and glamorous type of hair but now there are many who are jealous of me...I just hope they never never stop making this brilliant product.
I would highly recommend Regen to anyone who dreams of having beautiful hair.