Heard bout this product from a friend bout an year back.....my hair waz in bad bad state so that time I would actually give every hair product a try.....but REGEN really really took me by surpise! I ordered it online on thier website and I got great results in a months time.....
Hair loss stopped totally and my hair became became thicker! my limp hair waznt limp anymore and there waz a significant improvement in my hair quality and texture as well.....so much so that I started losing count of the compliments that I got for my hair! and the best part is that it is an all natural product so I knew I waznt even harming my hair with the use of chemicals. slightly expensive....but considering how much good it does to your hair.....its not expensive at all......i mean who wudnt wanna pay that much for lookin gorgeous?
The only problem I faced waz while applyin it wen it tends to drip a lot. Its very runny so u have to be careful not to let it drip.
Another good thing bout REGEN HAIR VITALIZER is that its completely non-oily....non-sticky so you can keep it on even if ure goin to work or wherever. doesnt show at all.
I recommended it to a friend who had male pattern baldness or alopecia and it worked wonders for him as well!
Its a SUPERB product...thats 1 line I keep repeating everytime I pass by a mirror!