Regen is the big fake product I have ever used in my life. My god what they are claiming is just unrealistic.One of the reviewer written in mouthshut that regen is not certified by any authorized agency in india or abroad.i think it just a product need to be sold at street corner with some cheap packaging and label.I completely agree that regen is just waste of money.It never grows even a single hair.It is just a cheap product manufactured in kolkata.
As it is not registered and certified it is dangerous to apply directly to hair this may cause some dreadful side effect.You can apply regen and keep on waiting for life to grow a single hair but I promise you no hair will come and there is chances that you may loose rest of hair in very short span of time.Wake up guys its time to teach lesson to such people who want to loot your hard earned money and playing with the emotions by selling such fake product.Regen is marketed by raylon(do not confuse with revelon) which is another a big fake company.the saddest part is that they are writing in their pack that "Product from India" spoiling the name of the country.These people are crab and can do anything to loot our money.Guys hair transplantation is the only permanent method for hair loss.
Have HT and you will never need such fake product to fight your baldness.