Madhav Shashtri (Madhavan) college superstar in the helm of popularity, is faced with a clear and present dilemma: to love or hate. A rebellious, yet caring person, Madhav falls in love with Reena (Diya Mirza) in an irregular manner, and as the producers would like to say it, ”His life is never the same again.” Reena´s persona somewhat clashes with Madhav´s in that they are both alike. Whereas opposites attract, these two that are alike are bound to repel. As the line of the film goes, the two sides of a coin may be equal, but they can never see eye to eye. Reena and Madhav’s lives are intertwined continuously, in both pleasant and unpleasant manners. The roller coaster of emotions of these youngsters lives (including the battle of love) will have you realizing that those that live in your heart are bound to stay there forever. A sweet romance in times of serious cinema!