Foolish of me, but twice I was bitten by the same snake on the same hand! The first time I got an Internet connection for my home(in early 2009) and then after a few months I had it disconnected. Then in early 2012 I got a call from Delhi that I was being booked for defrauding and I was to appear at Tees Hazari Court the next day(Saturday) and if I wanted to know more details I was to call up at a certain number.(I live in Mumbai.) I called up and the person told me that this had to do with my pending Reliance bill and I had to cough up Rs 5, 000+ if I wanted the case to be dropped. Of course, I had to pay them at the nearest Reliance gallery. Talk about arm-twisting!
The second time was in 2010 when I recommended a Reliance connection for my office. They made the connection and after we realized that it was not working we made many complaints and eventually decided to do away with the connection altogether. For this we floated a ticket to have the line disconnected. After a couple of days their executive called and promised to fix up the problems to which we reluctantly agreed. Well, the fixing never happened but they did close the ticket and when we realized that we had been cheated yet again we went to their gallery to have it disconnected and had to pay a hefty bill without having used their connection even once.
I would not recommend these people to anybody, friend or foe. In fact, I would recommend that you avoid being a customer of this company at all.