I have been using a BSNL connection which gave me 2mbps speed for 20gb after that 512kbps unlimited for rs 1350(From Kerala). Recently I checked the internet for any new connections that I can switch to because in this age where everyone everywhere else in the world are using 32mb+ connections and here I am stuck with 512kbps paying 1350 and a 20gb limit for 2mbs which gets over in a day.
So as I was searching I stumbled upon the new reliance tariff, The Thunder Plans which looked too good on the paper . 4mbps unlimited NO fup for a 1099rs, Without even thinking twice I called up reliance, the guy came that day itself and got the connection in around 3-4 days. I am at the 20th day now on this new connection and I MUST say im greatly impressed by the speeds I am getting. Most of the time I get around 3.4mbs download speed and at times it goes higher which is amazing.
I havent faced a single disconnection or downtime YET(fingers crossed). Despite people telling me reliance is bad I took the connection and I am happy with it. I know its too early to judge the connection but as of now im satisfied, so Reliace if u continue giving this kinda service even in the coming months it would be just great:) And I really really hope it stays the same. As of now I highly recommend this new tariff to anyone who is looking for a new connection. The experience may vary according to the location, maybe depending on the traffic.