I am a reliance net broadband post paid subscriber for last couple of years. On July 10, 2011 I had informed call center for a change of plan from 2gb @ Rs. 750/- to “pay as you go” with monthly rentals @ Rs. 299/- My billing cycle is 11th of every month.
On receiving bill in July for Rs.827 /-(including taxes), I called call center again as to why I was charged previous plan rate when I had made change in my plan to Rs.299/-. I was informed that I needed to inform Reliance atleast two days prior to the billing cycle, which in my case had informed them one day prior to the bill cycle. Hence for the current month they will be unable to change the bill.
More horrifying is even the bill received by me for August also is of previous plan, again I am given the same reason that I didn’t inform two days prior to the billing cycle. However, the confusing part is I am also told, that had I informed Reliance say on July 9, 2011 instead of July 10, 2011, bills for July and August would have been for 299/-!
First, I am never informed by Reliance Net anywhere, either in the bills or on any website that I as a customtakeouter will need to inform reliance atleast two days prior to the billing cycle to effect any changes.
Secondly, even while I am charged the previous charges for July, why am I charged the same for August bill cycle, as by August 11, 2011, the date of the bill cycle, I have completed my duty of intimation of “two days prior”, infact I intimated one month and one day prior to the bill cycle
I had written to the Nodal Officer and Appellate last month through email however, obviously there was no response! You should not expect any reply from the co. Its just you pay up or else! In short be prepared to be fleeced as long as they can or change ISP, though cant say the guy wont cheat you.so you go to lesser of the devil.