They say 1Mbps and u get 128Kbps, whether its peak time or offpeak time.
So whats the point in paying higher premium when you are getting the service
of lower grade.
Lots of disconnectivity issues, sometimes their server goes down, god knows what
these people are doing in the background. If you use internet for youtube, facebook and all that social media, it may work for you but if you are a Professional who needs to work from home occassionaly, connect to VPN network then Just ByPass this Internet Service Provider. It is not meant for you, just go with BSNL or Airtel.
And the worst customer service is like adds charm to this Pathetic Internet service,
I asked for disconnection he took the request and then keep on sending me
Bills for next two months, asking me to make the payment, this is the least you
would expect to happen.
After so many back n forth mail and explanation to customer care executives, finally they
agreed that I havent used the sevices for the bills I received.
So just Keep it as a Last resort, when u have nowhere to go.
Hope you find it useful