Everyone has to think twice before choosing a wireless device as it takes time to retrieve data. If you need a real speed then go for cabled broadband service which gives you good speed.
I used both services ( wired & wireless) but most comfortable with wired service. Most people opt for wireless service coz everyone has got their own laptops & need a flexible service as they carry their laptops where ever they go.
There are plenty of service providers in india offering wide range of discounts according to our needs. choosing a good service is again a difficult task.
Reviews cannot provide you accurate information as it depends on person-person. My advice for viewers is get information from real users but not from adds or reviews.
Dont believe in sales executives as they provocate you to improve their sales. This is my honest review where I experienced real issues with providers.
When you talk about reliance netconnect, its worth buying this product. It doesnt give you a real speed of 3.1mbps which the company has promised but good for video streaming and heavy file downloads.
You dont feel hassle while downloading or watching videos in YOUTUBE. So friends choice is yours
have a nice day