Hi All,
I had bought Reliance Broadband 4mbps unlimited plan, and the speed I was getting was less than 1mbps, probably around 800kbps. I had called the customer service several times, and everytime I was been told that it will be sorted out within a day or they will send an excecutive / technician to visit my site again, or I will get a call from their end within a day. Yet, all in vain nothing, absolutley nothing happened. Finally, I opted for disconnection within just 1.5 months of service.
I would strongly recommend all to not to opt for Reliance Broadband Services no matter what they promise or how promising they sound.
However, thats not all, please refer my below email, which I had send towards them today.
My name is Pawan Jadav, and my Reliance Broadband Connection details are as below:
Reliane ID: 396691085696
Customer Account no: 100121821530
Billing account no: 1000000123153081
The following is another one of the most frustrating issue that ive been facing with Reliance Broadband Services. I had visited your Reliance R World Center at the below address on 27th Oct 2015:
Reliance R World:
Lala Lajpat Rai Marg, Maninagar, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380008
I had asked them to allow me to pay my Reliance Broadband Bill, and at the sametime to take my application for Reliance Broadband Disconnection. However, I was been told that the systems were down and they cant take the bill, and was been told to make the online payment. In regards with Reliance Broadband Disconnection, I was asked to call Customer Care Services, becuase as per them they cant do anything for Reliance Broadband Disconnection.
I informed them that Reliance Online Billpayment for my account is not working, and I had already tried that multiple times. Finally, I asked them that will it be possible for them to send an executive to collect the payment as I dont have time to visit their store again and again. I was been told that the executive will come down the next day, i.e., 28th Oct 2015.
Yet, to my misfortue, no one came down.
Later, I called the customer care on 29th October 2015, and asked them for my Reliance Broadband Disconnection, as well as to send an executive to collect the payment.
In regards with Reliance Broadband Disconnection, I was been told that I will get a call from Reliances End within 48 working hours for broadband disconnection, wherein the reference ID was given as "239264379" .
In regards with the Payment of bill, I was been told that the executive will come down the next day, i.e., 30th Oct 2015 to collect the payment.
The next day no executive showed-up, on the contrary I keep on getting calls for the payment, for which on every call I informed to come down and collect the payment, as the online payment is not working from Reliances End, and R World is not ready to take the payment.
Today, I called up several Reliance Executives, who had come down at my place during broadband installation for the collection of payment, and finally I was been told that there would be someone at my place by today to collect the payment.
On the other hand, so far till today, i.e., 3rd November 2015, I havent received any call from Reliances end regarding Reliance Broadband Disconnection which I was been told via customer care that I will receive a call within next 48 working hours. It was already more than 72 working hours, hence, I called the Customer Care again, and informed for the same, again I was told to wait for 48 hours to wait for the same, after much pressure from my end, I was been told that I will get a call for Reliance Broadband Disconnection from Reliances end by tomorrow, i.e., 4th November 2015.
This is really getting frustrated, I opted for Reliance Broadband Disconnection because of the pathetic Internet Speed despite having 4mbps connection, wherein forget about the speedtest, even the ping test was not gettting done. I called up the customer care several times, and everytime I was been told that it will be solved within a day or an executive will come down to visit my place and sort out the issue, yet nothing, absolutely nothing happened.
I want my Reliance Broadband Connection to be Disconnected on immediate effect, thats it and thats the bottom line.
Kindly do the needful for the same, will really appreciate.
Warm regards,
Pawan Jadav "