There is a confusion about broadband connection. The broadband offered by cable operators are not broadband connection. In this context I would like to differentiate between broadband connection and broadband internet connection. according to theory broadband internet connection(BIC) should have a speed of 1Mbps. I.E, the rate of data transfer should be around 1Mbps. I personaly own a broadband connection(mind it not BIC), it gives me a speed of around 52 Kbps(if you are lucky).
Another limit they place is the amount you can download per month. If you have a broadband connection, you should be able to download as much as you want. Most ISPs allow limited amount of downloads per month. After which youll have to pay them for extra download charges. Though my ISP has no such limitation.
Now there are NEWS about RELIANCE BROADBAND BHARAT.The recent acquisition of the US-based Flag Telecom will boost its broadband efforts. Reliance Infocomm Ltd, realising the Groups broadband plans, is setting up a high capacity optic fibre network that will be 80, 000 kilometres long and covering over 1, 100 towns and cities. Recent News Article in Economic Times Says they will offer 550 KBps for Gaming and Around 300 Kbps For Video Conference. Reliance broad-band would soon change the way we live. And the changes will be beyond the wildest of imaginations provided, it has the requisite speed and it is affordable to the masses with a smile on the face. Reliance knows this too well. In fact they have tested and even proved.
I dont mind if the speed remains just 192 or 256 KBps, but there should be no download restrictions. Lets hope for the best.
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