Place: Mahadevapura, Outer Ring Road, Bangalore
Connection Available: Reliance Wi-Max 512 Kbps, approx. Rs. 4500 for 3 months and Tata Wi-Max 383 Kbps-Rs. 5500 approx for 3 months.
Connection opted: Reliance Wi-Max 512 Kbps
- Reliance Service - Very Bad -
I felt the Reliance plans were cheap and went for it. Initially two guys came home collected the forms, photos, my cheques etc. They informed me that I would get the connection by EOD next day.
I waited for 2 weeks no news. I called Reliance and the agents who took the cheques about 4-5 times daily. The agents who collected my checks disappeared and began disconnecting whenever I called.
I called from my friends number and he took the call, I angrily said him what a kind of promise he made and its causing me needless delay, the time waste for calling and following him up, and also the money.
He said "I am not taking your money, if you want talk to Reliance people". Thats true. What can I do.
I called Reliance. Every day they said some issue. The system is not working. The next 3 days they are processing, next 3 days they said the person who is attending my area is busy and will come in the order of connection etc.
They started speaking cold saying "You have to wait if you need a connection". This came from the Manager of Reliance.
I thought its better to end up the relation with reliance. I asked them to give back the cheque. The manager informed me I have to wait for 3 months for the money to be refunded. I was*issed off.
Fortunately I checked with my bank, the cheque had not been processed. I raised a cancellation request and paid Rs.200 for the cancellation charges.
I dont recommend at all taking a connection with Reliance. Its a total waste of energy and time talking to the management and the Reliance agents.
Please see my review on the current connection I use, which is Tata Wi-Max