Yeah! .. BSES sux big time. If u r planning for broadband
chuck off BSESs Powersurfer frm ur list. Its not worth
taking. It goes down atleast 3 days in a week. either
it goes down compelete or the speed becomes slow because of
their so called gateway problem that its impossible to
surf and get any work done.
Its ABSOLUTELY unreliable. Its an irony that Powersurfers
advertisement says A reliable Internet service from BSES Telecomm. ... its the biggest joke Ive ever come across.
Plus, expect for the Help-Desk theres no1 at the help-desk
you can spk to or complain. All the other guys r
unreachable. When u call them up, only their Voice Mailbox
answers and u cant even leave a msg their, as the mailbox
is always full !
When there is a problem, the help-desk guys always give a
crappy reason for the prob. and give u a time by which the
connection is expected to start, but it never happens.
My connection was down since day before yest .. and it started today evening! .. and whenever I called the
helpdesk ppl during the downtime, they always said ur conn. will be up in an hour.. but it never happened!
i wasnt lucky enuf to reach the other BSES ppl, whom I
could complain
... finally it took 2 days to get rectified and came up
today evening!.
Well, even after it is up now, im getting a crappy speed.
The surfing is very jerky with repeated cache server errors.
The cache problem is there since almost 3 weeks now, God knows when it is going to be rectified.
With all this, none of the file share apps work on BSES.
Once u r on BSES, forget using Kazaa or any other gnutella
network client. Even other things like WinMX, Filetopia etc.
dont work on BSES.
and there is more to go ...
For some bullshit foolish reasons BSES has restricted direct
connection between 2 BSES users. So if Im on BSES and a
building friend is also on BSES, we cant transfer files
between our computers. The stupidest thing is, I cant
establish a direct connection with one guy, but with anohter
in the same building I can! .. what purpose does this
kind of restriction serve!!??..i fail to understand.
and they give some stupid security reason for this.
Im a technical person myself... and I fail to understand
what kind of security this is .. a person living next to
me cannot estabilish a direct connection with me, but
a person living across the Globe can! .. WIERD!
there is yet more to go ..
the SMTP server which BSES has told us to use to send our
mails ( is listed in the Open Relay
Database (see, hence a mail sent thru it is thrown
back by 99% email servers in the world! .. this is a big
and shameful prob. for BSES, but they wont do anything
about it. Ive writen them mails telling this to them ..
but my efforts r invain!
God ! save thy ppl frm BSES !
id also like to share a part of an email sent frm me to
cannot share all emails because of the limitations of this place ...
Heres a list of the bad experiences Ive had with Powersurfer.
Infact, this a list of all the experiences Ive had with
Powersurfer .. I mean all of them were bad ...
1> My connection started 1 year after I first applied for the connection
and paid a cheque of 3500/-
2> The electrician which was sent to my house was totally unprofessional
and he messed up all my walls. There were other damanges too, of
which I can send the details if u want.
3> My connection first started on 15th April, 2002, but I was told that
I would still be charged from 1st April onwards. After starting on
15th April it worked for 1 day and then it went down for more
than a week, around 9 days or so. Then it started again for 1 day
.. and went down again for 5 days. By the time April was over.
4> During the month of May my connection kept going down quite
frequently (atleast 1s every week), for 1 whole day .. or sometimes
even 2.
U can check up the no. of complaints Ive done from ur help-desk.
5> When I was first applying for Powersurfer in April 2001, I was told
on the phone by ur franchise that the speed will be 20 to 30 times
the dialup speed. But the speed I get is hardly 1.5 times of dialup
speed, which sometimes becomes 0.5 times of dialup speed.
What is the minimum speed u officially assure ?
please refund my money for the time my connection has been down.
If u have no control over the downtimes of ur service, u shouldnt
be in the market .. or u should have a compensation system .
I feel so cheated ...