Reliance Broadband Is going to be sink shortly because of their services. Their are fraud. Company is going to be seized by consumer court soon Because Someone will complaint about their issue in court very soon. There will no response from costumer care, sales executive, neither its owner no babus in hyderabad are working properly in hyderabad ramesh babu I am contacing hin from the date I applied the reliance broadband. He has not lifted till today. What a Great Person is the zonla officer of reliance broad band hyderabad.
My true experience to share with you
Ihave seen my bill today I got shocked seeing the bill I have got 1827rupees in first month I hope there is no plan in that rate in reliancebroadband wirelined connection. Their completely fraud me by givingwrong bill I am not understanding what to do. Actually I have taken300kbps plan with phone which was given free but not working givencomplaint in costumer care but no response. But in bill I have gotdeposit and refund amount of Rs.1000. Never Ever Choose Reliance Baba First forget that there is reliance broadband services. Go For local Internet Or Airtel(best One).