Hi Everyone, While I am mostly happy with the internet service that Reliance provides..I have realised how unethical the company can be....Let me explain my point, I had originally applied for 2 reliance connections 150kbps and a online speed-select plan....
A couple of months later, I requested my 150kbps plan to be upgraded to a 300kbps, heres where my problems started...Reliance instead of upgrading my connection gave me a new connection of 300kbps and did not disconnect my original 150 kbps...I had requested them to disconnect this connection in march and for the past 3 months they have not disconnected it but instead kept sending me bills for the same....
I have spoken to over 8 Reliance officials and asked them to disconnect but to no avail...Finally I got frustrated and wanted to send them a legal notice..but when I called up their help line...those guys refused to provide me with an office address and instead kept insisting I Email them the letter....
Only when I fired them did they provide me their address...Now after sending my letter did they send there person to my office to disconnect their connection. Today I got a vague letter from reliance stating that my connection was used to access some copyright information from a network community and that this is punishable by law...This letter does not mention any specific details as to what was downloaded and from where.
I had no idea that reliance was keeping track of what its users download or surf.....and I would like to warn everyone out there to be careful before taking a Reliance Connection..