This is a service that is truly a mystery for me. I still do not understand how this particular company still remains in business after treating their customers badly. Perhaps, people fall for theirno fair usage policy honeypot.
Reliance is a good example of a company that has a good underlying robust infrastructure which remains underutilized because of the inefficiency of the employees. The connection works great; however, things can turn out to be somewhat harrowing when some issue occurs. Then, you are there on your own. No one cares and complaining to the customer care simply does not work. The local ground engineers have this habit of closing all of the service requests without doing any work.
I had a 1 mbps unlimited plan @ 549/- rental per month. In theory, I should be getting 1024 kbps. However, the speed always remained in between 500 to 700 kbps. This is because Reliance engineers set the port speed to 1024 kbps. They do not understand that for a 1 mbps ADSL connection, the port speed should be more than 1024 kbps. Only then, the customer will be able to enjoy the full speeds - as promised by the ISP. Perhaps the engineers do it on purpose so that people will pay more for getting higher speeds.
For the sake of illustration, Tata Docomo engineers have set my port speed at 4156 kbps( roughly 4mbps downstream) for my 1 mbps connection. Hence, I get the promised speeds from that ISP i.e. whenever the connection works.
Another thing I would like to note down is the lack of technical knowledge for the engineers( who visit my premises to fix any issues and the persons who sit in the air-conditioned offices to monitor the network) . They do not understand essential terms like upstream attenuation. When we tell them that the upstream attenuation is high and because of that, the connection is not working properly.they will say that we do not guarantee speeds for upstream data transfer! In other words, they fail to understand that attenuation factor is different.
Once, I had to get into a verbal fight with the so-called expert Reliance engineer because he did not understand such terms. He was not even aware of the fact that we can log into the modems web interface( by typing on an internet browser) . I wonder what was the criteria set by Reliance when they recruited engineers like him to manage the network. I do not claim to be an expert, but these are the essentials. Any one using an ADSL connection will know( or are supposed to know) all these things.
One of my cousins works for the same company in the broadband division. He is a senior officer who takes care of the corporate broadband connection provisioning. According to him, Reliance focuses on corporate customers only. And retail sector is in shambles - it is surprising to find that even the high level employees are fully aware of the fact that they ignore the retail customers. He advised me to discard the broadband connection, because it is simply not worth it! My question is plain and simple - how will I ever take a Reliance broadband connection for my office because I already have had bad experiences using the same connection back at my home? Perhaps, Reliance sales persons will push me to take leased lines for the office - not sure of that too.
Anyway, the network is congested with all the school children and teenagers taking the connection because they can download without any restrictions. I understand them, because I too used to abuse my BSNL broadband connection back when I was in college. Back then, those who downloaded the most on a monthly basis got great rRajeev_Vermact. However, when we grow up, our priorities change. We will have no time to sit and download anything or everything they put on the torrent websites.
Over here, the engineers took a minimum of two days to respond to my service requests. Even then, they close the complaints without looking into them.
Now I have disconnected the connection. For the record, my subscriber ID was 264148914823.