Reliance Wireless Internet Connection – Choose Broadband Connection plans & other high speed broadband plans.
reliance have good offer
its tariff are good and cost not so high .
but reliance have major problem .
if u lived thats area where reliance dp not avilabel so its hard to get a connection
they not give good responce
if u apply for net connection they take so much time on installation they are so lazy
they provide old device .,
who setup your broad band which have not so good knowledge of computer . no technical engg
on mostly case in kanpur reliance not work when power cut . they used old devices and they not change there battery by which when power not avilabel reliance not work
another problem to find a store where u pay bill, check your bill, and request your problem
reliance coustmer services not good . on store as well as customer care
if u have any probelm on net then they not resolve quickly . no maintenance engg . u only wait for speed .
so overall reliance give your good net on good tariff . but they not work on it . and so much problem on services support.