Please read the below mail which I have written to Reliance broadband connection."This is Nishant Desai from Bangalore.
I have applied for a wire line broadband connection on 9th Oct 2010 (CAF no : 17800015278520).I have handed over application along with all the necessary documents and Rs.500 cheque to one of your employee Mr. Yuvraj (Emp Code :SAAPS34196) on 9th October 2010 and that fellow has committed me that I would get verification done by 11th October 2010 as per convenient timing given by me while applying.
(I have written convenient timings on application form) The verification did not happen on time. I called up Mr. Yuvraj on 14th Oct 2010 to know the status of my application, but like an irresponsible person he told me that he doesnt have any updates for my application and he asked me for one day and again he committed me that he would get back to me by 10:00 AM on 15th October 2010.
I did not call me on that day.I tried to reach him on 16th Oct 2010, but he did not pick up my call. I visited Reliance communication office on 16th Oct 2010 and security person called up Mr. Yuvraj from office land line. Mr. Yuvraj Picked up the call but when he came to know that it was me on call, he immediately disconnect the call and switched off his mobile after that. The verification was done on 16th Oct 2010. (One week after the application!)
I called up his Team Leader Mr. Fazar Khan (Emp Code : VAPS03996), but he was also not ready to listen to me. He asked me to contact his manager Mr. Raghu. I called up Mr. Raghu on 16th Oct 2010 and he told me that he would get my connection by end of 18th Oct 2010.
Till the date I havent got my connection. I spoke to Mr. Fazar khan today also and with some strange attitude he told me that he has thousands of work to do and he has no time to listen to my concern. He told me that he is not responsible for getting work done by his team as per commitments given to customers.
According to him what I was complaining to him was all rubbish! (Shocked!)Instead of providing the connection on time, he asked me to cancel the connection. That what he can do for me now! Almost 8 working days have passed and still these people are asking for one more day.
Horrible! I am cursing my self why I have applied for this service even though there are hell lot of internet service provider available in my residential area who are ready to give me service on time without failing the commitments.I am not at all happy with the way I am being treated by all these fellows.
Because I have paid Rs. 500 towards Installation charges, its my duty to follow up these guys. Kindly Make a note of this complaint. I hope this is rubbish for you.
Thanking you Nishant Desai" Even after this mail and few more communication with Karnataka sales head, I havent got my internet connection on time. At last with frustration I went to Reliance office in Jayanagar on 22nd Oct 2010 and asked them to cancel my application and refund my Rs.500 which I have paid towards installation charges.
First executives tried to convince me a lot for not to cancel the application. At last they took my request for cancellation and told refund will take 4-5 weeks (that means 30-40 bloody days)! I dont understand whether RCIL is a government company or what.
Even I dont know after 40 days I will my money or not and if I get , it will be a full refund or not.I request you all of you not to go for RCIL broadband services. Its really a fraud company.