In Lucknow, in term of speed Reliance broadband is OK, I get sufficient speed as per my plan.
But frequent disconnection is big concern, everyday it is not available for random intervals like 30 min- 1 hr.
Another problem is, when ever power cuts, even for 1 min, internet would not work for next 20 min.
Worst scenario comes when internet stops working, in order to rectify your problem you have to make at least 10- 15 calls to their cc. Even after so many service requests, it can take up to 7 days to make broadband working again.
So if you are looking for just casual browsing and downloading, you can go for it, for serious business please avoid this. Gamer guys please stay away as ping is too high and connection is not reliable.
PS- Currently my broadband is not working from last 7 days. From 4 days cc guys is telling me that my complaint is under process.