Kachcha kaam pucca daam
Please think and satisfy yourself prior to buying Reliance Infocomms services.
I was a premium customer and paid Rs 21000/- for mobile connection. I even referred Reliance to scores of my friends and acquaintances.
After subscribing to more than 5 years I realised that every aspect of Reliance customer service is topsy turvy.
They are manipulators and dont give you daily usage details. I got 2 connections and was dissatisfied, especially with Internet Data Card on my mobile(3-40kbps instead of assured 230.4 bandwidth besides frequent and prolonged disconnections) with the service and response of CC. CC(Company Care) just responds like a linearly programmed robot keeping on sending you tutored(copy paste) texts. I have written 20-30 mails only to get a phone call from someone near 8:30 pm during my dinner. I requested him if he could kindly call after 5 minutes so that I finish my dinner. He said "I am not looking at you through the camera so how I can know whether you are having your dinner or not."
I used to pay for unlimited connection abt@Rs 1700/mo. I have been chasing and bearing with them for 6 months to speeden my connection but it was of no avail. They kept on promising speedening up but result was zero.
Going to dsa was of no help either. I had to visit dsa 2-3 times for monthly payment and wait for 15-30 minutes, just because their own internal network kept on failing. I really wonder how they get a chance to assure good services to the customer?
For the other connection, even after getting the "services terminated "at my loss, they stamped additional usage charges of Rs 1300 or so-the truth being that the phone was not used after full and final payment, sent a a courier saying that the services have been "suspended due to non payment", blackmailed, threatened and harassed me through spam mobile calls impersonating as police officer referring advocate of warrant & court date without any written communication.
If you still feel very optimistic that you should subscribe to their connection, I advise to do it at your own sweet will, cost, risk and consequences. Purchase a magnifying glass/microscope, and read their terms & conditions carefully for a week. Make monthly excel statements of facts, measure their speed from cnet and document your calls from some sort of software. Keep recording facility in your mobile.
Customer care really needs to be properly trained and filtered.
Ill be happy to have your response.
Architect Manuj Darshan.
[A customer is the most important visitor in our premises. He is not
dependent on us. We are dependent on him. He is not an interruption on
our work. He is the purpose of it. He is not an outsider on our
business. He is a part of it. We are not doing a favor by serving him.
He is doing us a favor by giving us an opportunity to do so-Mahatma