Unfortunately I purchased their Postpaid internet connection in the month of Sep-OCT 2009. and since then I am continuously a Victim of their cheating.
1-First Two months unlimited usage was free but they stated billing me only after one month. and no action till now for any of my written and telephonic complaints there are only promises.
2- When I purchased the connection I got a very good speed for two days then it became extremly slow. as slow as one E mail takes 6-7 minutes to open. several complaints does not make any difference.
3- I stopped using their service in December and send REQUEST BY Email as well as Telephonic. They send a confirmation mail that they have registered the request and they willtake action but Till now it is not disconnected.
4- I am not using relience services since 28 December but Ipaid full bill amount including all the charges till month of january because they promised to disconnect it after full payment, but they started new billing from zero from next month and now after 3 months the amount became Rs 1000.
5- IWant to inform all the Relience users to disconnect their connection as soon as possible and choose any alternate connection.
6-pleaseforward this message to all your friends so that no any other person can be cheated like me.
7- In this condition I am helpless, please tell me any solution in order to get rid of this. And mental torture which I am facing since 6 months.
8-I any one from relience read this, I request to help me in this matter. Details are below.
Relationship No. : 2381992795
Bill Period : 09-05-2010 to 08-06-2010
Bill Date : 09-Jun-10
Bill No. : 332941158455
Tariff Plan