Hi guys,
With reference to your comments posted on my facebook profile, im sending u the complete details as desired by u.
Product bought : viewsonic viewphone3
Place of purchase : reliance digital , r deccan mall, deccan gymkhana,
pune 411004. India.
Bill no. : plu # 766907601817.
Date of purchase : 4 may 2012.
Product serial no. : 358142040386953.
I bought viewphone 3 from reliance digital pune, India 2 months back, and believe me it is the worst phone ive ever bought in my life. The phone hangs every now and then, goes dead . And wont come back unless u remove and replace the battery.very slow. Proximity sensor doesnt work and in the middle of the call , it puts u r call on hold.secondly there are no service centers of this phone in India, when i spoke to reliance digital guys , they said we are helpless, and cant do anything.
Now let me tell you about reliance digitals world class excellent service, when i bought this phone view phone3, the sales guys told me sir we are the exclusive importer of this useless brand in India, and if there is any problem we will service it ourselves. On 24 may i got a response from customersupport@resq.in.that you will be attended shortly.
Till date Im still waiting to be attended.then about a fortnight ago i got a call from the reliance digital store, pune 020-41495301, asking me about the quality of the phone, I told him Im facing all the problems, and he told me sir all the viewphone 3 buyers are having problem, and we are working on it. And he is still working on it. And that also shows that these guys where aware that this is a substandard product. Be cautious, while buying from reliance digital, they will just fleece you, and then take you for a merry go round ride as they themselves are unable to find a solution. I cant understand what is so rocket science , that they are taking months to respond.
I hope reliance digital fans take a note. Thanks
And i also want to complain to viewsonic, for creating such a substandard , useless, and cheap product. And selling mobile phones in India without a proper service support and infrastructure. Where youre senior management was in their senses while taking such type of irresponsible decision. And selling it through reliance digital, who are such a lousy guys.