I have Purchased Sony Bluray Home Theater, BD-490 from the store on Oct 26th 2012. The total cost is same like other stores Rs.29, 300/-. I have inquired in Girias, Pai, Sony Center. Since reliance had their own all equipment service and gave me additional 2 yrs replaceable warranty for 1900/-, I decided to go with Reliance digital store. The sales guy(Saleem) has promised me lot of wrong stuffs including Delivery and Installation on Oct 27th itself, pinning the speaker wires free of cost without casing. Even when you a buy a D2H the service guys pin the cables free of cost.
Believe or not on 27th and 28th I have made more than 30 calls and the answer was never prompt on when the installation will be done. 27th, Saturday fully I waited and they only delivered the product by evening. No one turned up, I had about 5 or 6 calls that day and they promised tomorrow morning a guy will come. Sunday the 28th till 12 PM no one turned up and since they were spoiling my weekend, I got infuriated and started to call the store. They told service guy is installing in a customer place and he will come next to my house. Didn’t give the guy number and said they will not share the service people no. with the customer. After 1 or 2 hours again called back and said I want store manager. At this time, they were giving some numbers saying it was the service technician who is assigned to do your work.
Those technicians told that they will not be coming and store is giving wrong info. I have to call the store back and they will give another guy number. This happened for 3 times and 3 different numbers each time. At 4PM, I got infuriated and told the store I am bringing your product back and cancelling my card payment. Finally the service guy came at 4.30PM on 28th and said pinning or casing both is charged. He told sales guys in the reliance digital stores always give wrong information to customers and this is not the first time he has seen such false promises. He called the sales guy(Saleem) who sold me the product to check why he gave false promise. The sales guy is telling that he is not aware what service people will do and he cannot do anything. He didn’t even apologize and asking what I can do now sir?. At least other Stores told clearly on what they will provide.
I am irked by the store behavior and dont want to recommend Reliance Digital to anyone and don’t even take their service which is separate dept. called RESQ. The service guy is from RESQ and don’t know lot of stuffs, he was not able to explain the remote functions itself. I asked him how to connect my Videocon HD d2h with the home theater to hear surround sound. I showed him the wire supplied with D2H but he told there is a different wire I should use. After he left, I read the manual and connected the wire I had as mentioned in it and hurray I got the sound in my home theater instead of TV.I can watch TV programs with surround sound. I was wondering what these people will do if they come for servicing the product? After reading this review, if you still want to opt for reliance digital and ResQ then next iron man/woman of India title should go to you :)
Good Luck with your purchases.. Inquire well and don’t fell on cheap gimmicks by the sales guys on any stores.