Ive been visiting Their outlet in ECIL for quite sometime now. I suggest the fellow buyers to visit any of their outlets to check out the products and demos but never ever blindly take a purchase decision without checking the prices outside. In almost all the cases so far (15-18 products) that I personally checked out, the prices were 20 to 40% higher than any similar shop next to them.
Is also like to share one of my experience with them. I bought a Belkin wifi router from Reliance digital ECIL outlet in March 2010. It cost me Rs. 1500. I realized it only later the same product was available outside for Rs. 1100
The problem started around November 2010... the router stopped functioning. Upon contacting their service desk called "ResQ", I was told that I need to get the faulty stuff to them with all the relevant documents. When I walked in to "ResQ" they were nowhere willing to put in any efforts for this issue. They gave me a reason that only the Reliance invoice is not enough, and demanded the Belkin box also. Can you imagine keeping the boxes of all the products you buy?
Half of your space be eaten up by empty cartons. Now its been over 2 months since they have accepted to replace the router for after I made lot of hue and cry. Im still awaiting the replacement. Every time when I reach them they give me another date and apologies like Vodafone customer care. Even escalations to the one level up did not fetch any result. Strange as it may sound, they are not willing to share the point of escalation for their service department. I hope with this review people will take extra caution making a buying decision.