These big companies which are very profitable are not so
just by straight business but cheating, the local shops which existed are
better - Ive gone back to the little shops.
In Bangalore, at the Hennur outlet
exactly 4 weeks ago on a Sunday afternoon about 1.30pm
a customer caught Reliance machines overcharging by about 20 rupees. That is a
product worth Rs. 59.00 was billed at Rs.79.00 and it had been going on all
Mind you one machine in the four working was fixed, not all - very clever,
these corporate ideas.
The customer had been watching this he said from several weeks, and was the
second time to him and once for another, the other customer ahd been defrauded
on a different machine indicating change of machines.
For all we know another in the four machines too may have fixed, we generally
believe these large stores done cheat and they carry the Reliance name.
Remember the cheat Reliance mobile, which ripped peoples purses with fake bills and posted a profit in one year
when industry standard was 6-7 years to break even. My my and their computers conveniently crashed with only the totals without the breakups which were in another system, how convenient.
The police was called as a lot of customers too had noticed something or the
other started demanding explanations. The manager quickly agreed to a
compensation of Rs. 1000/00 to swipe the issue under the carpet - with the
police without knowing siding with Reliance. I would not be surprised if a
monthly mamool is given to close the cheating complaints.
I am sure the issue would have been closed by the Hennur Police.
Please be careful as a lot of the items are repacked or overpriced -i go to **Alldays
*supermarket nearby.
Sugar from Parrys is repacked at Rs4 -6 more
Very same Containers at 150.00 at Reliance is Rs. 90.00 at Alldays.
It’s only vegetables which are okay, nothing else. Go ahead and check other
stores, youll get a better deal. Go to the little vegetable shops they are
much better, else buy vegetables at Reliance and everything else at a alternate
Ambanis have undoubtedly turned to cheating to post profits.