Any product however good it may be needs to be boosted by the tool of advertisements. Advertisements are a very conventional spade for digging the instinct of the consumers and pandering them to buy the product.
Advertisements have also caught pace with the modernization of time and they have changed their attire in order to suit the consumers need.
In the earlier years, advertisements targeted their creativity in revealing the best aspects of the product in order to direct the wave of consumers to their own port. As time stretched its wings towards the new millenium, life of the people ran too fast. It was essential for the creative eyes to relate to the consumers more sentimentally rather than superficially.
The process of ad evolution took its complex shape when tremendous competitions flourished in the market. Ads are now more laughter arousing, intensely satirical and the lesser portion of ad comprised of the USP of the product. Another point noteworthy is that the fad of attaching a punch line with every ad grew leaps and bounds. To coin a phrase, ONIDA: neighborss envy owners pride but no more because the neighbors have bought SAMSUNG in which everyone is Digitally invited(how are we supposed to go digitally? I reckon well need a Human Electronic Circuit for this purpose.) For going to the party, they prefer their mullah to be invested in a TATA SIERRA which is not owned but its possessed. This can stand true only if the possessor is a Mafia-don (on who can easily possess things) or if the owner is refunded all his money by the company. Under all other circumstances, its owned. These were a few instances of the punch lines tailed behind the product Ad. The product that well post-mortem today also has a punch line. kar lo duniya mutthi mein ( which duniya? And if its this universe then in whose hands? In the hands of Ambanis? )
To promote their product- A Reliance India Mobile they have used an Ad that creeps into the heart of the orthodox Indian family and their values.
A young girl gets wed locked to his Dream man (not a necessary condition but sufficient for the Father to feel happy about) The Mother is not given much footage in the Ad due to lack of funds (or something unknown to us) The bride leaves the house crying (as usual) into her Semi-luxury car decorated by flowers (I dont think hey use real flowers in the Ad. If they do, the ratio would be 4 real flowers:1fake flower) Not more than 3 minutes pass, Our hero of the Ad Reliance India Mobile pops up and establishes the communication between the tearjerkers.
The creative eyes have targeted the human relations. Since there are so many fathers and daughters in this country who share the same rapport between them, this ad plucks out the sentiments between the father and her daughter in a good manner.
The exhibition of emotions and this had to be performed well as this was the main arrow that had to be struck to the subscribers. Emotions are given an intense feeling by a sad music score that was superbly arranged and the female voice was awesome.
Poor selection for the character of father who wasnt looking old enough. papa aap kahan hain wasnt a sensible dialogue as this suggest that the girl has lost her senses having forgot where her father is. It would be better if the dialogue was papa or papa, I miss youor papa, yeh mein kahan aa gayi(juss joking).
Summarizing, it is a reasonably good ad considering the sole aim of the ad. But the promises that Reliance has done also has changed after the TRAI orders.(the pulse rate of 15 sec has changed to 60 sec) So I think the ad should also be re-shot and the main punch line should be changed frompapa aap kahan hain to papa, aap ghar par hain. Mein jaanti hoon. Mein apne ghar par hoon aur ab pulse rate 1 minute ka ho gaya hain isliye at the end of 50 sec start crying
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